Halloween Smilies Teil IV

Tag 4 der Halloween Smilies Serie. Heute gibt es ein paar Gespenster und Smilies, die sich zu Tode erschreckt haben.


Der Tod steht ihnen gut:

Und wie immer, ist das Böse am Ende nie wirklich tot – Fortsetzung folgt…

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2 Antworten zu Halloween Smilies Teil IV

  1. Scott sagt:

    Could you please email me… I love these Smilies and would like to know if you could place all of the Halloween smilies into a .Pak for me to use on my forum.

    I am using phpBB 2.0.19 by the way.

    Additionally, I would like to ask you if I could pay you to design some custom smilies for me as ‚Forum Gifts‘ to my friends around Chrsitmas. We would need to talk via email about what you require for payment as well as the details about what I need the smilies to look like.



  2. michael sagt:

    First: You should update to 2.0.21 soon!

    The Halloween Smilies are allready in the pak-file which can be downloaded in the „Downloads“-Section. If you only want the Halloween smilies, you can edit the pak-file with a text editor by deleting all lines instead of the one with the Halloween Smilies (the are between line 269 and 308).

    Second: I can design custom Smilies for you, but I don’t will create them for an exclusive use. The will also appear here on this site and, thats importand, I’m very expensive! Smilie
    btw: I will create new christams smilies in december. Smilie

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